Chapter Objective:
To see how Jesus Christ is both God and man, and that therefore he is the sole mediator between God and man
Man is incapable of fully understanding God. God is holy and man is sinful. To bridge the gap between God and man, God took the form of a man in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is “the image of the invisible God. . . . For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him” (Colossians 1:15,19). To be the complete expression of God, Christ had to be God. To be seen and understood by man, he had to be human. Jesus Christ has a dual nature—he is the God-man. In order to begin understanding Jesus Christ, it is necessary to explore his deity and his humanity.
Remember These Points
Jesus Christ is the perfect image of God. As God, he has authority over the earth.
Jesus was human too. Many of his experiences were similar to those you have today. He suffered and was tempted. Though he never yielded, this allows him to understand when you are tempted. When you fail, he forgives as you confess your sins to him.