The Bible
We accept that the Holy Scriptures (all 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament) are the infallible Word of God and as such are of Divine inspiration. We recognize and accept them as the sole authority guiding and governing the practice of our daily life and faith.
THe Trinity
We believe in the Living and Almighty Creator God, in the Holy Trinity of Divine Persons in perfect harmony and unity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each of whom is Divine, Sovereign, Co- equal, and Co-eternal.
We believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is holy, righteous, full of grace, mercy, compassion, and love.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God who was truly man and is truly God. We believe in His virgin birth, in His perfectly sinless life, and in all of His teachings. We believe that through His substitutionary and atoning death on the cross of Calvary, He triumphed over Satan, sin, and death. We believe that after three days, He was bodily raised from the grave and that He ascended into heaven and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third Person of the Godhead. We believe that His work is indispensable in the regeneration of the sinner, leading him to repentance, giving him enabling faith in Christ, and inspiring him to a full and unreserved surrender, submission and commitment to the Lordship of Jesus. We believe that the Holy Spirit is He who sanctifies the believer, equips him with the necessary spiritual gifts, power, skills, and ability to live a victorious life over sin, to serve God and to enjoy fellowship with Him in this present life.
The Fall of Man
We believe that as a result of the Fall, all of humanity are sinful in nature, guilty in the sight of the Holy God, subject to His wrath and deserving of the full condemnation and penalty of sin as decreed by God’s righteousness.
The Way of Salvation
We believe that through faith in the Person, Life, and atoning death of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary and through confession of the same, a sinner is reconciled to God, providing for us the forgiveness and justification of our sins, and imputing on us the righteousness of Christ. We believe that salvation is only by grace through faith and not “through good works, so that no one may boast.”
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return personally and imminently to earth to receive His saints to Himself and that this will be visible and gloriously witnessed by all humankind. He will also return as the Righteous Judge who will judge both the living and the dead. The unbelieving He will condemn into a Christ-less eternity in Hell where they will be punished eternally for the sins they have committed; and the righteous He will usher into the eternal joy and rest of Heaven and their Lord.
We believe that a New Testament church is a community of born-again believers who gather together in community for vibrant worship, persevering prayer, regular study and teaching of the Word, purposeful fellowship and meaningful relationship, responsible evangelism and discipleship, intentional cross-cultural missions, and joyful and willing Christian ministry and service both to the body of Christ and to the world. We believe that when men and women live daily to glorify God through lives, the result is a community that intimately knows Him and passionately makes Him known thereby transforming themselves and the rest of the world.
Baptism and The Lord’s Supper
We believe in the sacred ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe that Baptism is a visual and physical testimony of the spiritual rebirth of those who have personally repented of their sins and have placed their faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and the salvation of their souls. We believe that Baptism is also a public declaration and confession of the believer’s allegiance to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In turn, we believe that every time we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we commemorate and remember that it is through His broken body, His shed blood, and His sacrificial death that Jesus secured for us our salvation and the forgiveness of our sins. As such, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper in obedience to His command and as a reminder of what He did and achieved for us on the cross of Calvary until He returns to bring us home to glory.
A New Birth
We believe that it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer to both receive discipleship and to disciple others and that it is the new birth that enables the believer to live a life of love and grace so that he may be a blessing and a witness to all who are around him.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers.
We believe that every Christian must seek to make the will of Christ supreme in his daily life and in the context and relationships God has placed him in.
We believe that God is the source of all blessings and that all we have belongs to Him. Because of this, we believe that all that we have, our time, talents, giftings, skills, possessions, and even our energy and our very lives, were given by God so that we could joyfully glorify Him and expand His kingdom and His cause on earth.