Having our feet shod
The preparation of the gospel of peace means that we have applied ourselves to understand the gospel of God. We are not continuing to minister from the basis of our old gospels. Equally, having our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace means that the gospel is at work in our lives, bringing reformation, personally, in our marriages, and in our families. Mat 5:16. The gospel is demonstrated by the way in which we walk, or conduct ourselves. Col 2:5-7. By this means, our peace is able to rest on those who receive our testimony, bringing healing and deliverance to those who receive us. Luk 10:6.
In this regard, we note that peace with God is not just a legal position of reconciliation. It is a vital connection with God. It is fellowship with the Father and the Son, through the Holy Spirit. This is what the messengers of Christ are bringing to houses. They are not just bringing an information message. They are bringing the substance of fellowship to a house. 1Jn 1:3.
It is important to recognise that, as messengers walk in this manner, it is the God of peace, Himself, who crushes Satan under their feet. Rom 16:20. We see that the ministry that Jesus has given to the order of seventy‑two is from the Father. Satan is crushed, and his power over individuals, marriages, and families is broken, as the household receives a messenger whom Christ sends with the gospel of peace. The demonic and familiar spirits that control the agenda of the family are crushed and removed from the house.
The peace that accompanies the gospel, proclaimed in the spirit and power of Elijah, compels what belongs to the kingdom of darkness to vanish. The fallen culture of the house is replaced with the fruit of the Spirit, which is the fruit of sonship. Faith, which replaces the fear of death that keeps a person in bondage, is demonstrated by relational obedience to the gospel. Rom 16:19.